, g ~�� ?1, which can occur if the scattering cells are actively secrete enzymes to degrade selleck chemicals llc the surrounding matrix. Under this condition, we cannot use the adiabatic approximation (i.e., Eqn. 12). Instead, we have to perform mode analysis with csc(k) = c0(k) exp[��(k)t] and y(k) = y0(k) exp[��(k)t] on Eqns. 10 and 11, to obtain the dispersion relation: �Ǧ�2(k2)+[��(g+Dck2)+Tk2]��(k2)+Tk2(g+Dck2?G’f'T)=0.(16) Compared with Eqns. 4 and 14, Eqn. 16 also suggests that the tubule surface is marginally stable. Similar to Eqn. 14, Instability occurs when Tg < f��G��. The wavenumber with the maximal growth rate is then obtained by solving d��(k2)/dk2 = 0: kmax=gDc(A12+A2A0?A1A2), with (17) A0=(f'G'g��Dc+1)(f'G'Tg?1), A1=2f'G'g��Dc+1?T��Dc, A2=(1?T��Dc)2. Comparing the numerical results from Eqns.
(15) and (17), we find that the approximated solutions (Eqn. (15)) for the spacing asymptotically reach the exact solutions (Eqn. (17)) in the high tension region, regardless of the viscosity �� (Fig. 4D). Conclusion In this article, we discuss how mechanical forces propagating along biomaterials such as ECM can create tension to facilitate long-range coordination of cell morphology and phenotype, and propose quantitative models to address how branching patterns can spontaneously emerge by the counterbalance between tension and other mechano-chemical based processes. We also provide quantitative predictions that can be tested by experiments. The effect of mechanical force on biological materials differs from that of chemical force in that it depends both on the force-molecular interactions and the structure of underlying substrate.
This opens a door for using biomaterials and cell mechanics to control and/or engineer tissue-scale structures by changing the topology and structure of the environment. Further, the difference of time scales in force propagation and chemical signaling enables future engineering and control of patterning cues by combining synthetic biology and the fabrication/manipulation of biomaterials. There are several advantages of using physical vs. chemical forces to control the response of biological materials. For example, mechanical force is nonspecific, which does not depend on the type of molecules, cells, and tissues involved. Thus, the effect and design principle is universal.
Entinostat Further, unlike specific chemical signaling, the non-specificity of mechanical forces allows them to be directly combined, providing a simple computation law for the programming of mechanics-based patterning processes. These features, along with the relatively simple processes required in generating mechanical processes, make mechanical force a promising tool to control and manipulate tissue morphologies. Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Acknowledgments The author acknowledges Ellison Medical Foundation and Western Heavens Fund for the support. Footnotes Previously published online: www.