We found that the treatment with Nutlin-3a ic50 CF increased the expression of p-53 and of the cell cycle-regulatory proteins p21 and p27 as compared to CNTRL. p53 controls some genes including c-myc. By investigating c-myc, we found that its expression is downregulated in CF-treated cells as compared to the control, suggesting that p53 negatively regulates c-myc. There are reports in the literature supporting our findings showing that apoptosis could be induced through downregulation
of c-myc in curcumin treated cancer cells [28–30]. These data Crenolanib datasheet indicate that p53, c-myc, p21 and p27 play a decisive role in CF-induced apoptosis of HCT-116 and MSTO-211 cells. Figure 4 Expression of p53, c-myc, p21 and p27 in HCT-116 and MSTO cells. Cells were cultured in the absence or presence of CF (1:200) for the indicated time and whole cell lysates were analyzed by western blot. Data representing
three independent experiments with similar results, indicate an upregulation of p53, p21 and p27 and a downregulation of c-myc in HCT-116 and MSTO cell upon CF treatment vs untreated cells. γ tubulin was examined as a loading control. CF induces apoptosis through inhibition of PF-02341066 clinical trial the PI3K/Akt and Bcl-2 signaling pathway We investigated the effect of CF on PI3K/Akt and Bcl-2 survival pathways. To test the status of Akt activation, the phosphorylation of
Akt was measured in HCT-116 and MSTO-211 by western blot analysis (Figure 5). A high level of basal phosphorylated Akt (p-Akt) was observed in both cells, and total Akt levels were found to be almost equal in almost HCT-116 and MSTO-211 cells. Consequently, we examined the protein expression and phosphorylation level of p-Akt after CF treatment for the indicated times in HCT-116 and MSTO-211 cells. The levels of p-Akt significantly decreased following treatment with CF while total Akt levels did not change (Figure 5). Our experiments on Bcl-2 western blot assay in non-treated and CF-treated HCT-116 and MSTO-211 cells showed an evident decrease of Bcl-2 in CF-treated cells (Figure 5). These data indicate that CF play a decisive role in the survival pathway inhibition in HCT-116 and MSTO-211 cells. Figure 5 Effects of CF on the survival pathway in HCT-116 and MSTO cells. Cells were cultured in the absence or presence of CF (1:200) for the indicated times and whole cell lysates were analyzed by western blot. Data representing three independent experiments with similar results, indicate a downregulation of Bcl-2 and p-AKT, whereas total AKT does not change in HCT-116 and MSTO treated with CF for 24 and 48 h vs untreated cells. γ tubulin was examined as a loading control.