This observation led us to speculate whether the virulence of different mTOR inhibitor HiRECCs
may be due to lineage-specific gene sets. In the present study we have used the comparative genomics approach to further investigate variation in gene content within E. faecalis, with a special focus on CC2. This complex was chosen on the basis of previous Bayesian-based phylogenetic reconstruction [27]. CC2 is equivalent to the previously designated BVE complex, and comprises several clinically important E. faecalis isolates, including see more the first known beta-lactamase producing isolate HH22, the first U.S. vancomycin-resistant isolate V583, and pathogenicity island (PAI)-harboring clinical bacteremia isolate MMH594 [26, 28, 29]. This CC represents a globally dispersed hospital-associated lineage, and identification of CC2-enriched genes may unravel novel fitness factors implicated in survival and spread of E. faecalis clones in the hospital environment. Results and discussion Overall genomic diversity To explore the genetic diversity among E. faecalis, BLAST comparison was performed with 24 publicly available sequenced draft genomes, including the two CC2-strains
TX0104 (ST2), which is an endocarditis isolate, and HH22 (ST6; mentioned above) against the genome of strain V583, which is also a ST6 isolate. The number of V583 genes predicted to be present varied between 2385 (OG1RF) and 2831 (HH22) for the 24 strains (Additional file 1). find more In addition, we used CGH to investigate variation in gene content within 15 E. faecalis isolated in European hospital environments, with a special focus on a hospital-adapted subpopulation identified by MLST (CC2). Of the 3219 V583 genes represented Paclitaxel on the array, the number of V583 orthologous genes classified as present ranged from 2359 (597/96) to 2883 (E4250). Analysis of the compiled data set (in silico and CGH),
revealed a total of 1667 genes present in all strains, thus representing the E. faecalis core genome. None of the annotated V583 genes were found to be divergent in all the isolates analyzed. Putative CC2-enriched elements In a previous study, we identified a set of potential pathogen-specific genes, which were entirely divergent in a collection of commensal baby isolates [27]. None of these genes were found to be present in all hospital-related isolates analyzed in the present study, neither was any gene found to be unique to any HiRECC. In order to identify genes specifically enriched among strains belonging to CC2, data from the present study were supplemented with hybridization data from an additional 24 strains of various origins ([27, 30] and M. Solheim, unpublished data). The additional data sets were obtained by hybridization to the same array as described above. All together, data from a total of 63 strains were analyzed, in addition to V583 (Table 1). A genome-atlas presentation of the gene content in all the strains analyzed by CGH compared to the V583 genome is shown in Figure 1.