The three most prevalent, residual symptoms were disturbances in

The three most prevalent, residual symptoms were disturbances in sleep (44%), fatigue (38%), and anhedonia (27%). Since the majority of these patients reported sleep disturbance prior to treatment with fluox-etine it. is less likely to have been a treatment-emergent adverse event. The persistence of insomnia is a particular concern, given the propensity for residual sleep disturbance Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to predict relapse.36 Persistent sleep disturbances in SSRT “responders” include prolonged sleep latency (beyond 1 hour), GSK2656157 reduced total sleep time, and multiple awakenings. Although coprescription of a hypnotic may have a beneficial effect,37 concerns about long-term

hypnotic use limit this recommendation. Elsewhere, advantages beyond sleep restoration Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical were demonstrated when cszopiclone and fluoxetine were combined in the acute treatment of MDD.38 Given the role of sleep disruption in predicting relapse, there is a strong argument, to consider sleep disturbance as a core symptom in depression,

and to emphasize the importance of sleep restoration early in the treatment of an MDE. The daytime effects of persistent sleep disruption should not be underestimated in depressed patients. Fatigue Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and apathy Particularly in primary care settings, depressed patients are likely to present, with complaints of exhaustion or inability to carry out physical or mental work. In fact, fatigue was the commonest, depressive symptom Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in a survey of family practice settings.39 In the large European collaborative study of almost 2000 depressed patients across 6 countries

(DEPRES II), 73% of patients “felt, tired”; this symptom was associated with severity of the episode and was more prevalent in women.40 Although “fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day” is not. considered an essential depressive symptom according to DSM-IV, it. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is emphasized within the atypical symptom cluster, with “leaden paralysis” as the extreme variant. However, reduced energy is considered a “core Sodium butyrate feature” in the definition of depressive episode according to ICD-10, emphasizing that marked tiredness may occur after only slight, effort.41 It is a reasonable assumption that sleep disturbance and daytime fatigue are related (as previously reviewed – over 40% of remitters to fluoxetine had sleep disturbance and just, under 40% had fatigue), although there are no data to confirm this relationship. Similarly, apathy may overlap with diminished interest, loss of energy, and even indecisiveness, but this construct is too nonspecific to be considered a core symptom. In fact, apathy has been reported more frequently as a side effect, in up to 20% of patients who receive SSRI antidepressants.

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