The production of AHLs in the

The production of AHLs in the genomic background of A. tumefaciens is at least ten-fold lower than in R. grahamii (Figure 4) and this event selleck may explain why pRgrCCGE502a:GFP could not be transferred from GMI9023. However A. tumefaciens overexpressing the AHLs of R. grahamii, GMI9023 (pRgrCCGE502a:GFP, pBBR1MCS2::traI) was not able to mobilize the symbiotic plasmid, indicating that additional

factors are needed. Some of these factors could be encoded in the chromosome and thus they are not present when transfer is assayed from A. tumefaciens carrying the plasmids of R. grahamii as donor. By triparental conjugation (using pRK2013 as helper) megaplasmid pRgrCCGE502b:Km was transferred to A. tumefaciens GMI9023 or GMI9023 (pRgrCCGE502a:GFP) PARP inhibitor but it could

not be transferred to Rhizobium species such as R. etli CFN42. Figure 5 shows the plasmid profile of R. grahamii wild type strain and A. tumefaciens GMI9023 carrying pRgrCCGE502a or pRgrCCGE502b or both plasmids. Figure 5 Plasmid profiles in Eckhardt gels. 1) R. grahamii CCGE502, 2) A. tumefaciens GMI9023, 3) A. tumefaciens GMI9023 (pRgrCCGE502a: GFP), 4) A. tumefaciens GMI9023 (pRgrCCGE502b:Km), 5) A. tumefaciens GMI9023 (pRgrCCGE502a: GFP, pRgrCCGE502b:Km), 6) R. grahamii CCGE502a: GFP and 7) R. grahamii CCGE502b:Km. Ccc DNA: closed circular chromosome of A. tumefaciens GMI9023. Discussion and conclusions When comparing genomes from closely related rhizobial species (e.g. R. tropici and R. rhizogenes or R. leguminosarum and R. etli), it was observed that there is a larger degree of conservation in the chromosomes than in the ERs [3, 60]. We confirmed here a high degree of conservation

between the chromosomes of strains in the “grahamii” group, namely R. grahamii Verteporfin concentration CCGE502, R. mesoamericanum CCGE501 and STM3625, as well as Rhizobium sp. CF122. However, in other cases a larger degree of nucleotide conservation has been observed in the symbiotic plasmids (e.g. symbiotic plasmids from the tropici or phaseoli symbiovars) than in chromosomes. In R. grahamii and R. mesoamericanum we observed the largest nucleotide identity in pSyms (ANI around 94%), but not as large as among tropici and phaseoli symbiotic plasmids with ANI of 99 or 98% respectively (Table 3). The conservation of pSyms may be explained by the lateral transfer of a Sapitinib successful plasmid (epidemic plasmid in terms of Souza et al.[61]) or a wandering plasmid among different rhizobial lineages [62] or from being a recently evolved replicon. In the case of the phaseoli plasmids we favored the latter explanation [4, 62–64]. Anyhow, it seems reasonable to consider that limited replicon transfer among related species would lead to an isolated evolutionary history linked to a single genomic background.

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