The finding (Fig. 2) that different members of the ChAP1 regulon are affected differently by loss of Skn7 suggests that a genome-wide study of these mutants will uncover classes of genes whose promoters bind different combinations of transcription factors that transduce oxidant-related signals. Furthermore, the Δskn7 mutant is highly sensitive to ROS, similar to Δchap1 (Fig. 1 and Oide et al., 2010), yet the expression of the panel of known antioxidant genes (Fig. 2) is only modestly reduced. Again, this suggests that the Skn7 regulon includes additional Target Selective Inhibitor Library price genes that are critical for tolerance to oxidants and other stresses. C. heterostrophus should be a good model necrotrophic pathogen in which to address these questions
at the systems level, considering that the genome is being studied intensively (Ohm et al., 2012; Condon et al., 2013), as is the genetic basis for stress physiology (Lev et al., 2005; Igbaria et al.,
2008; Oide et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2013). This study and a postdoctoral BMS-907351 mouse fellowship award to O.L. were funded by Israel Science Foundation grant ISF 370/08. We are grateful to Lea Rosenfelder for her expert technical assistance. We thank Prof. B. Gillian Turgeon for the skn7 mutant strain. We are grateful to Naomi Trushina (Horwitz lab) and to the reviewers of the manuscript for their comments and suggestions. “
“Fusarium head blight caused by Gibberella zeae is a prominent disease of cereal crops that poses serious human health concerns due to the contamination of grains with mycotoxins. In this study, we deleted an orthologue of areA, which is a global nitrogen regulator in filamentous fungi, to characterize its functions in G. zeae. The areA deletion resulted in an inability to use nitrate as a sole nitrogen source, whereas urea utilization was partially available. The virulence of ΔareA strains on wheat heads was markedly reduced compared with the wild-type strain. The areA mutation find more triggered loss of trichothecene biosynthesis but did not affect zearalenone biosynthesis. The ΔareA strains showed immaturity of asci and did
not produce mature ascospores. Chemical complementation by urea restored normal sexual development, whereas the virulence and trichothecene production were not affected by urea addition. GFP-AreA fusion protein was localized to nuclei, and its expression increased in response to nitrogen-limiting conditions. These results suggest that areA-dependent regulation of nitrogen metabolism is required for vegetative growth, sexual development, trichothecene biosynthesis, and virulence in G. zeae. Gibberella zeae (anamorph: Fusarium graminearum) is a major pathogen of Fusarium head blight in wheat, barley, and rice as well as ear rot and stalk rot in maize (Leslie & Summerell, 2006; Lee et al., 2009a ,b). The importance of the disease also lies in its production of mycotoxins, such as trichothecenes and zearalenone, which pose health risks to humans and animals (Desjardins, 2006).