The correct spelling is Rossbeevera T. Lebel
& Orihara gen. nov. A list of the species names follows. Rossbeevera bispora (B.C.Zhang & Y.N.Yu) T.Lebel & Orihara comb. nov. Rossbeevera eucyanea Orihara sp. nov. Rossbeevera griseovelutina Orihara sp. nov. Rossbeevera mucosa (Petri) T.Lebel comb. nov. Rossbeevera vittatispora (G.W.Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K.Young) T.Lebel comb. nov. Rossbeevera westraliensis T. Lebel sp. nov.”
“Introduction Graphidaceae (including Thelotremataceae; Mangold et al. 2008) is the second largest family Selleckchem MEK162 of lichenized fungi, next to Parmeliaceae, and the most important element of lichen communities in tropical regions, with over 1500 species (Staiger 2002; Frisch et al. 2006; Archer 2006, 2007, 2009; Lücking and Rivas Plata 2008; Rivas Plata et al. 2008; Lücking et al. 2008, 2009; PS-341 ic50 Mangold et al. 2009). For a long time, family and generic concepts in this group were based on apothecia and ascospore types, separating the bulk of taxa into four genera with rounded (Thelotremataceae: Ocellularia, Thelotrema, Phaeotrema, Leptotrema), four genera with lirellate (Graphidaceae: Graphis, Graphina, Phaeographis, Phaeographina), and four genera with stromatic ascomata (Graphidaceae: Glyphis, Medusulina, Sarcographa, Sarcographina). Genera within each morphotype were separated based on whether
ascospores were transversely septate or muriform and hyaline or pigmented (Müller Argoviensis 1887; Hale 1974, 1978; Wirth and Hale 1963; 1978; Staiger 2002; Frisch et al. 2006). Salisbury (1971, 1972, 1978) and Hale (1980) challenged this schematic genus concept in the former Thelotremataceae, but rather than splitting the artificial ascospore genera into smaller units, Hale (1980) proposed
a more inclusive concept, with only three genera based on excipular structures: carbonized lacking periphysoids (Ocellularia), non-carbonized lacking periphysoids (Myriotrema), and non-carbonized with periphysoids (Thelotrema). This concept was subsequently applied to the treatment of Thelotremataceae for Montelukast Sodium Sri Lanka (Hale 1981). While Hale’s classification delimited two largely natural groups later recognized as supported clades in phylogenetic studies, the Ocellularia clade (including Ocellularia sensu Hale p.p. and Myriotrema sensu Hale p.p.) and the Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor Thelotrema clade (including Thelotrema sensu Hale and some species of Myriotrema sensu Hale), the delimitation of large genera with well over 300 species each and the problems with generic assignment of aberrant taxa made this concept unsatisfactory. In addition, no comparable solution was proposed for lirellate and stromatic species classified in the supposed sister family Graphidaceae, which was treated until most recently using concepts established in the 19th century (Archer 1999; 2000; 2001a; b; c; d; 2002).