Since only two metals are involved, generation of suitable binary

Since only two metals are involved, generation of suitable binary clusters and their mass selection is easier compared to other multicomponent systems. In addition, CuZr alloys are known to be good glass formers over a range of compositions with glass transition temperature well above the room temperature [40–42]. The fact that both elements appear in more than one stable isotope, however, counts as a drawback. This makes the mass selection and cluster isolation more challenging. Binary metal clusters can be generated using alloy targets. Ion beam techniques employed in the production of the metal clusters facilitate the use of high-resolution size selection filters. On the basis of the recorded mass spectra, the most intense mixed cluster should be isolated and deposited on a support material, which is kept at a temperature low enough to

avoid crystallization of the film during deposition. It is expected that clusters with 13 atoms (CumZrn, n + m = 13) form icosahedra and thus benefit from enhanced structural APO866 molecular weight stability. The composition of the most abundant mixed cluster may vary for different cluster sources and with source conditions. Particular care should be taken to avoid oxidation of metal clusters prior and during deposition. To assure the latter, cluster deposition should be performed under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Finally, the sample should be handled under controlled environment (e.g., inert gas) and Regorafenib nmr below room

temperature (to avoid postdeposition oxidation and crystallization) throughout the analysis process. The properties of the specific metal cluster or clusters (if a combination of them is used to produce the cluster film) can be investigated to gain knowledge on the structural building blocks. The optical, electronic, geometric, magnetic, and binding energies of metal clusters can be determined both theoretically and experimentally by state-of-the-art scientific instruments. In parallel experiments, a film of conventional metallic glass prepared through rapid quenching processes but with an identical composition as cluster film should be analyzed for comparison purposes. A constructive feedback loop between these two types of metallic glasses synthesized through bottom-up approach and conventional methods is of great importance to unravel fundamental uncertainties associated with structure-dependent properties of metallic glasses. Implication of the hypothesis Figure 2 presents a graphical summary of the proposed idea and its implications. Performing such a delicate experiment, i.e., nanofabricating well-defined metallic glasses comprising size-selected metal clusters as building blocks, would shed new light on the atomic structure of metallic glasses. By combining the information achieved from the experiments proposed above, it would be possible to make a link between the structure of the cluster-assembled metallic glass (CAMG) and its properties.

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