Recent evidence suggests that many practitioners fail to apply evidence-based care consistently or to utilise clinical guidelines. This has been demonstrated recently in the context of low back pain (Williams et al 2010) and reinforced by surveys highlighting that many clinicians still rely on a biomedical model of low back pain aetiology and advocate activity avoidance (Bishop et al 2008), discordant
with current evidence-based guidelines. This issue highlights potential barriers encountered by clinicians in seeking, understanding, and utilising health information in clinical practice, specifically best evidence and guidelines. Indeed, barriers to the implementation and uptake of clinical guidelines remain a research priority in health. In addition to the use of clinical guidelines to inform practice, provision of accurate and appropriate information to health consumers is a critical element in shaping a patient’s health behaviour and attitudes. There is evidence that practitioner beliefs about low back pain influence patient beliefs (Linton et al 2002), and therefore the understanding
and utilisation of health information. In a recent study, patients with chronic low back pain and high disability tended to cite pathoanatomic reasons for their pain more consistently than those with chronic low back pain and low disability
(Briggs et al 2010). This raises the Selleckchem Akt inhibitor question, are patients receiving the correct information about chronic low back pain aetiology from their health professionals? In addition to providing accurate and evidence-based information, it is also imperative that health professionals ensure patients understand and utilise the relevant information being delivered to them. An individual’s ability to seek, understand, and utilise health information is greatly influenced by broad social, environmental and healthcare factors (Briggs et al 2010, Jordan 2010a). Astemizole Although clinicians definitely play an important role in enhancing a patient’s health literacy, they need to realise and accept the part played by these other factors in modifying the outcome, and work within these constraints. Evidence about interventions to improve the health behaviours and outcomes of patients with suboptimal health literacy is slowly emerging (DeWalt 2007). To date there have been three main approaches: 1. Improving the readability and comprehension of written health materials. Notably, these approaches are consistent with recommendations in the Models of Care developed for various health conditions in Western Australia (