Notably, activation of the Met HGF receptor axis is emerging as an important mechanism of resistance to drugs targeting oncogenic kinases in human cancers, including CRC, while sellekchem concurrent inhib ition of multiple RTKs in CRC cells seems to offer better therapeutic effects Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries than targeting a specific RTK. An alternative way to achieve similar outcomes might be offered by targeting RTK proximal signaling effectors engaged by all, or at least several RTKs, particularly those regulating biological processes critical for the initi ation and or progression of CRCs. In this regard, we show that although oncogenic engagement of Grb2 or Shc trig gers redundant cancer properties in IECs, these adaptor proteins Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries were proven, through analysis of the impact of their silencing in Tpr Met transformed IECs, to be necessary for non overlapping functions.
The silencing of Shc Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in Tpr Met IEC 6 cells was demonstrated to partly reduce cell growth without impacting anoikis resistance, but slightly increasing transformation and E cadherin down regulation. These results indicate that the Met receptor has the intrinsic capacity to circumvent the loss of Shc functions by en gaging alternative oncogenic signals, likely involving the adaptor proteins Grb2, Gab1, or others effectors. Conversely, inhibition of Grb2 functions restored nor mal non transformed epithelial morphology, E cadherin expression, and anoikis sensitivity in these same Met transformed IECs.
Incidentally, Grb2 SH2 domain binding antagonists were shown in vitro to block HGF induced migration and invasion Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in MDCK epithelial cells, metasta sis formation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of melanoma and prostate cancer cells in vivo, and the motility of human SW620 CRC cells in wound healing in vitro assays. Considering these observations, with our current findings, we suggest the targeting of Grb2 signaling in CRC, particularly in the context of deregulated Met, as a potentially effective thera peutic strategy to reduce CRC metastasis. Conclusions The design of novel CRC therapies is contingent on a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the ability of deregulated RTKs to relay downstream signa ling pathways that convey oncogenic properties in normal IECs. In this study, we provide selleckchem Z-VAD-FMK evidence that Met driven oncogenic activation of Grb2 or Shc signa ling leads to the neoplastic transformation of normal IECs and induces multiple redundant hallmarks of can cer in these cells. Sustained engagement of Grb2 and Shc in IECs was also identified to evoke negative feed back control of the Ras MAPK and PI3K Akt pathways, limiting their degree of activation, however these path ways seem to remain critical to oncogenic functions.