Glycyrrhetin enoxolone patient had 60 capsules of dabigatran etexilate 110 mg: i.e, 30 daystreatment. An electronic device was glued to each blister of the pack and recorded the date and time each capsule was taken. Packaging was not otherwise modified. Assessment Cognitive status on the Mini Mental State, history and socio economic activity were recorded at inclusion. A clinical and echo Doppler check up for thromboembolic events was performed at S30 5 to analyze the consequences of any non nattokinase inhibitor compliance, any proximal and distal thromboses were noted. At this check up, the electronic device was analyzed on a dedicated computerized reader. Failure to take one or more capsules or a delay of more than 12 and less than 24 hours was counted as non compliance. Taking more than two capsules was also counted as non compliance, although the specific risks entailed are different. Compliance was calculated per dayas the ratio between cases of non compliance in terms of dose or time and the theoretic number of doses.One hundred and sixty eight THRs were performed during the 9 months of the study period, 62 patients were included. Table 1 shows the reasons for exclusion of the other 106.
Two of the 62 patients were excluded while in hospital, before the start of the study. Four of the 60 patients who handed in their electronic drug screening libraries device were excluded: two for device defects, one for defective device use, and one who had ceased treatment due to headache. Electronic device analysis thus concerned 56 patients for a theoretic 3246 capsules between S1 and the day of the clinical/echo Doppler check up. Over the treatment period, 3188 capsules were taken in good compliance with the prescribed time of administration. Overall compliance was 98.21%. Nineteen patients showed one or more cases of non compliance, including 1 withy ver compliance without resultant hemorrhage. Compliance fell regularly over successive 5 day periods but not below 97% between S26 and S30. During the first 10 days, seven patients showed incomplete compliance, six forgot a dose and one vercomplied Overall lapatinib compliance for this period was 98.5%. Table 4 presents patient data at inclusion and per group. Statistical analysis found compliant patients to be significantly more often retired or in early retirement, retired patients were significantly older than the others. Patientsreceiving THR for osteonecrosis were significantly younger than those operated on for osteoarthritis, and more frequently in the incomplete compliance group.
On the other hand, no significant inter group differences emerged for gender, age MMS category or long course treatment. During the study period, one patient stroke showed symptomatic thrombosis at S28, 2 days before termination ofthromboprophylaxis, he was in the incomplete compliance group, with non compliance at S3. Echo Doppler found proximal thrombosis, managed by curative anticoagulants.The present study sought to measure precisely the degree of compliance with oral thromboprophylaxis following THR, and to assess the possible consequences of non compliance. The study hypothesis was confirmed, with an overall compliance rate of 98.1%. This is a short preventive treatment, in which the patient is not stimulated to comply by symptoms. The impact of therapeutic education in long course.