Data selection and the exclusion or Descr LIMITATION data into image. The simulations allow an evaluation of the performance of a system in hypothetical scenarios and real life, which gives information about the effects of various experimental models and LY2940680 quantitative predictions of the outcomes. In this example, a model of the h Hematopoietic ESR is used to administered the effects of darbepoetin every 2 weeks of chemotherapy-induced An Based chemistry to simulate solid dosages. taken from Jumbe et al. Table 1 Examples of drugs h Frequently in the P Pediatrics for which the p Diatrische dose non-linearly with the K Used body weight correlated. Details about the clinical implication of the nonlinearity t between exposure and descriptors of the K Rpergr E in Cella et al.
Drug adult therapeutic dose pediatric indication p bacterial chloramphenicol 50 mg / kg / day to 50 mg / kg / day, newborns: 25 mg / kg epilepsy days / Carbamazepine is 8 mg / kg every 12 h for 12 years: 5 to 8 mg / kg every 12 hours Children: 3 10 mg / kg every 8 h, S uglinge: 3 to 10 mg / kg every 8 h ph��nyto epilepsy does 2 mg / kg every LY2940680 12 hours: Child 2.3 2.6 mg / kg every 8 h, S uglinge: 2.3 mg / kg every 8 h, in newborns: 2.5 to 4.0 mg / kg every 12 hours of propofol at Anesthesiology 55 years 6 12 mg / kg / h , 55: 3 to 6 mg / kg / h for 2 months to 16 years: 7.5 18 mg / kg / h cancer busulfan 0.8 mg / kg every 6 h, 12 kg: 1.1 mg / kg every 6 h , 12 kg: 0.8 mg / kg every 6 h, bacterial infection, tobramycin 3 mg / kg per day and children between 6 and 7.
5 mg / kg / day, 2 weeks: 4 mg / kg / day, with cystic fibrosis: 10 mg / kg t was like enfuvirtide 180 mg / day 11 15.5 kg: 54 mg / day, 15.6 to 20 kg: 72 mg / day, 20.1 24.5 kg: 90 mg / day, 24, 6 29 kg: 108 mg / day, 29.1 33.5 kg: 126 mg / day, 33.6 38 kg: 144 mg / day, 38.1 to 42.5 kg: 162 mg / day 150 mg oseltamivir flu / day to 15 kg: 60 mg per day, 15-23 kg: 90 mg / day, 23 to 40 kg: 120 mg / day nelfinavir HIV 2.5 g / day 7.5 8.5 kg: 0.8 g / day 8.5 10.5 kg: 1 g / day, 10.5 kg: 12 1.2 g / day, 12 14 kg: 1.4 g / day, 14 to 16 kg: 1.6 g / day , 16 kg: uglingen 3 8 g / kg / day at S: 18 1.8 g / day, 18-22 kg: 2.1 g / day digoxin heart failure 1.4 4.0 g / kg / day for children: 7.5 12 g / kg / day, newborns: 4 8 g / kg / day, S78, Eur J Clin Pharmacol 67: S75, S86 3rd Assumptions and rationale for selecting the type and characteristics of simulation-4.
The statistical method, the algorithm and methodology fifth Model validation or qualification criteria Note that the workflow and tools should have an audit trail and be validated, reproducible results uct and to weight. The advantages and disadvantages of the model-based Ans Will COLUMNS for drug development in clinical practice are presented in the following sections. M & S in drug research in the optimization of lead candidate selection and go / no-go decisions must be made. From the first step in the development of a new molecular entity, information absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion is necessary to understand the drug’s properties in vivo. The application of methods for M & S at this stage will be to support and facilitate the decision making process.
Predictive models to facilitate the selection of suitable candidates, and the design of pharmacokinetic studies in vivo. The obvious advantage of this application is the F Ability to integrate, in vitro and in vivo properties and pharmacodynamic properties, the differences in drug efficacy in vivo, as the decision criteria based on isolated developability contrast. This concept has been applied recently in the evaluation of COX2 inhibitors. Ford