g Meier 2006) According to Kjellström et al (2011), precipitat

g. Meier 2006). According to Kjellström et al. (2011), precipitation increases during winter in the CHIR99021 north and decreases during summer in the south. However, the borderline migrates back and forth from a northerly position in summer to a southerly one in winter.

The precipitation increase is partly explained by increased zonality and partly by an amplification of the hydrological cycle, as Kjellström & Lind (2009) found. According to Kjellström et al. (2011), the explained variance based upon spatial variances of SLP and the mean absolute error for temperature and precipitation over land suggest that RCA3 driven with the GCMs Arpege, ECHAM5 (experiment ‘-r3’, for the description see Kjellström et al. 2011), HadCM3_ref and HadCM3_low perform best during the control period. However, in winter MK-2206 datasheet all GCM simulations are too zonal, thus affecting the quality of the other variables due to advection. Focusing on the atmospheric surface fields over sea, our analysis confirms the results by Kjellström et al. (2011). However, it is impossible to rank the models. Depending on the variable, the results are quite different. For instance, ECHAM5 and HadCM3_ref driven simulations showed the best SLP

and air temperature results, respectively, but none of the models is perfect for all variables. In addition to biases of PRKD3 the large-scale circulation induced by the lateral boundary data, atmospheric surface variables over sea also suffer from biases of SST and sea ice data from the GCMs. Therefore, the results of RCA3 could be affected such that the gain

of the higher resolution in the RCM is compensated for by these biases. A quality assessment of atmospheric fields from RCA3 over the sea is more a validation of GCM results for the Baltic Sea than an evaluation of RCA3 performance. Hence, in this study the added value of the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean model RCAO was investigated. Because of the computational burden we performed transient simulations with only two different driving GCMs selected from the group of models with better performance. We showed that the results from both downscaling experiments improved the 2 m air temperature over the sea during summer but not necessarily during winter. The latter finding was explained by the impact from the lateral boundary data. However, further downscaling experiments with other GCMs are necessary to illuminate the impact from various data sets. In addition, it is important to note that further model development to improve RCAO is necessary. We identified too low a wind speed over sea (although the higher resolution improved the situation) and too high an air temperature over ice covered areas, suggesting perhaps the shortcomings of incoming long-wave radiation during winter.

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