For each case, three snapshots of machining progress at the tool travel distances of 30, 120, and 240 Å are presented. The results for the three cases are shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4, respectively. First of all, chip formation progress can be observed here. For all the three cases, the machined chip accumulates in front of the tool rake face as the tool advances. The chip volume is approximately
proportional to the depth of cut. However, the cutting chip thicknesses for cases C10, C4, and C11 are measured to be 18, 40, and 45 Å, respectively. The increase of chip thickness is more significant when the depth of cut increases from 10 to 15 Å, compared with the increase period from 15 to 20 Å. Figure 2 Chip formations and equivalent stress distributions in nano-scale polycrystalline machining for case C10. At the tool travel distances of (a) 30, (b) 120, and (c) 240 Å. Figure 3 Chip formations and equivalent stress distributions in nano-scale polycrystalline machining for case C4. At the tool travel distances of (a) 30, (b) 120, and (c) 240 Å. Figure 4 Chip formations and equivalent stress distributions in nano-scale polycrystalline
machining for case C11. At the tool travel distances of (a) 30, (b) 120, and (c) 240 Å. OSI-906 cell line Figures 2, 3, and 4 also provide the information of equivalent stress distribution in polycrystalline machining. It can be found that the stress distribution pattern of nano-scale polycrystalline machining is overall consistent with that of conventional machining, as well as that of nano-scale machining of monocrystalline structures [20, 31]. For all the cases, the stress concentration is observed in the primary shear zone, where the chip is formed by high-strain-rate shearing in the primary shear zone, as well as the second shear zone, which is the friction-affected zone between the tool rake face and the chip. For each case, the maximum stress occurs at the primary shear zone and it increases as the depth of cut increases. Chloroambucil For instance, at the tool travel distance of 240 Å, the maximum equivalent stress values are 41.7, 42.7, and 43.6 GPa
for cases C10, C4, and C11, respectively. Meanwhile, our results indicate that the equivalent stress on grain boundaries is generally 30% to 60% higher than the stress inside the grains. Note that the difference of equivalent stresses on grain boundaries and inside the grains is not only caused by the exertion of cutting force. It is believed that the crystallographic orientation of grains could introduce stress concentration on and nearby boundaries. The literature also indicates that a higher amount of stress and lattice distortion can develop nearby the grain boundaries [32]. In addition, no crack is observed during the entire machining process for all cases. This is a Selleckchem 4SC-202 reasonable result based on the MD simulation study by Heino et al.