Figure 5 The expression of IDH1 and p53 in high histological Rose

Figure 5 The expression of IDH1 and p53 in high histological Rosen grade biopsy. IDH1 expresses

at low level accompanying with low expressed p53 in high histological Rosen grade biopsy.(A) Expression of IDH1 in high histological Rosen grade biopsy, × 100;(B) Expression of p53 in high histological Rosen grade biopsy, × 100; (C) Expression of IDH1 in high histological Rosen grade biopsy, × 200;(D) Expression of p53 in high histological Rosen grade biopsy, × 200. Figure 6 The immunostaining percentages of IDH1 and p53 in low Rosen grade vs. high Rosen grade. IDH1 expresses higher in Low histological Rosen grade compare with high histological Rosen Selleckchem JIB04 grade at the level of the immunostaining percentages (P < 0.01), so does p53 (P < 0.01). Figure 7 The immunostaining scores of IDH1 and p53 in low Rosen grade vs. high Rosen grade. IDH1 expresses higher in Low histological Rosen grade compare with high histological Rosen grade at the level of the immunostaining scores (P < 0.05), so does p53 (P < EPZ-6438 research buy 0.01). Figure 8 The relationship between IDH1 and survival. The IDH1 high expression group represents the

osteosarcoma patients with >50% IDH1 positive staining. Patients with ≤ 50% IDH1 positive staining are recorded as low-expression group. The survival time in the χ -axis was given as years. There is no significant correlation between IDH1 expression and overall survival (P = 0.342). P53 correlates with histological Rosen grade, metastasis and overall survival in clinical osteosarcoma biopsies P53 mainly locates on the nuclear (Such as Fig 4B, Fig 4D), Its positive expression is identified using immunohistochemistry in 37 of 44 (84.1%) osteosarcoma tumors, of which 19 of 44 (43.2%) exhibits high staining (Table 2). The average p53 immunostaining percentage is 47.25%(SD: 28.82%, range from 4.5% to 100%). The average score is 3.18 (SD: 1.35, range from 1 to 5). P53 expresses higher in low Rosen grade osteosarcoma (Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7). P53 correlates with metastasis negatively (P = 0.001, r = -0.473).

this website High-expression p53 patients PD184352 (CI-1040) have better survival than low-expression p53 patients do (P = 0.019) (Fig. 9). Figure 9 The relationship between p53 and survival. The p53 high expression group represents the osteosarcoma patients with >50% p53 positive staining. Patients with ≤ 50% p53 positive staining are recorded as low-expression group. The survival time in the χ-axis was given as years. High-expression p53 patients have better survival than low-expression p53 patients do (P = 0.019). IDH1 correlates with p53 in clinical osteosarcoma biopsies There is no significant difference between IDH1 and p53 in clinical osteosarcoma biopsies. Positive correlation between IDH1 and p53 expression is demonstrated in our study (Table 2, Fig. 4, and Fig. 5). Discussion IDH1 catalyzes decarboxylation of isocitrate into alpha-ketoglutarate 16.

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