e., the experimental proportions of negative interactions among negative reference
interactions). The sensitivity was estimated using known lambda interactions (i.e., the experimental proportion of positive interactions among positive reference interactions). Specificity ranged from most specific, namely 98.9% for GADT7g/pGBKT7g and pGBKT7g/pGADCg to 95.7% for pGBKCg/pGADT7g (least specific). Sensitivity ranged from 33.3% for pGBKT7g/pGADCg to 17% for pGBKCg/pGADCg and pDEST22/32. For each method, we estimated the probability of being a true interaction using Bayes theorem: pDEST22/32 (83.3%), pGADT7g/pGBKT7g (80.0%), pGBKT7g/pGADCg and pGBKCg/pGADCg (71.4%), and pGBKCg/pGADT7g (40.0%) (Figure 2C). Verification and quality scores If an interaction is found in more than one vector combination, the reliability is higher JAK inhibitor than when it is found in only one. Twenty-four interactions (out of 97) were found in 2 or more vector combinations (Table 4). This number of combinations can be used as a score, and the 3 interactions with the highest score have all been described in the literature before. Of the 24 high-scoring interactions, six (25%) have been described before (Figure 2D). To test if the difference Selleck Wnt inhibitor of the proportions of detected literature interactions is greater for the
more than one vector combination group, we carried out a one-sided test for difference of proportions. The null hypothesis can be rejected for alpha = 0.1 indicating a moderately significant difference (P-Value = 0.098) (Additional file 1: Table S6). We conclude that the number of supporting vector combinations can be used as a confidence score. This suggests that the 18 novel high-scoring interactions are possibly physiologically relevant interactions and thus good candidates for further studies (see discussion). Table 4 All PPIs discovered in this study Bait Prey Bfun Pfun NN NC CC CN Vectors Notes 1. A A head head NC CC CN 3 Possible 2. A Bet head rec G 1 3. A FI head head Org 27569 NC CC’ CN’ 3 Known 4. A NinF head ukn G 1 5. A Nu1 head head G’ NC’ CC 3 Known
6. A Orf79 head unk G 1 7. A V head tail G 1 8. Cl Cl trx trx CC 1 Known 9. Cl Kil trx other CC 1 10. Cll Cll trx trx NC 1 known 11. C C head head NC 1 12. C Nu3 head head G’ NC’ 2 Known 13. C Orf79 head unk G 1 14. D D head head NC 1 Known 15. D E head head D 1 Known 16. E E head head D 1 Known 17. E Fi head head G NC CC’ CN’ 4 Known 18. E Nu3 head head DG’ 2 2v 19. Ea8.5 Ea8.5 ihr unk NC 1 Possible 20. Ea8.5 Int ihr rec G NC 2 2v 21. Ea8.5 Tfa ihr tail G 1 22. Ea8.5 Stf ihr tail G CN 2 23. Ea8.5 Q ihr trx G 1 24. Ea8.5 Ren ihr unk NC 1 25. FI NinB head rec CN 1 26. G G tail tail G CC CN 3 Possible 27. G H tail tail D’ 1 Known 28. G S’ tail lysis G CN 2 2v 29.