Strain mannan, the triose side chain of Decitabine Antimetabolites inhibitor which predominantly consisted of the 1,2 linked mannose residue at the non reducing terminal. For the C. albicans serotype A mannan, the 1,2 linked mannose residue is involved in the mannopentaose to mannoheptaose side chains. The strict difference in the length of the 1,2 linkage containing side chains suggests that each 1,2 mannosyltransferase in these species has a different substrate specificity. Namely, these transferases seem to recognize the length of the side chains from the 1,6 linked backbone mannose residues. Depending on the multilocus sequence typing, C. glabrata has been separated into 30 sequence types with 5 major clades. The typing is important to clarify the patient and hospital reservoirs of infection and the modes of Candida transmission between high risk patients. The knowledge is not only essential for the prevention of the further spread of C. glabrata and nosocomial infection, but also important to know the difference in the virulence and/or resistance to antifungal agents. C. albicans has several known virulence factors contributing to its pathogenicity that include adherence to epithelial and endothelial cells, proteinase production, hypha and pseudohypha formation, phenotype switching, phospholipase production and antigenic modulation of the cell surface mannan as a result of pseudohypha formation. However, hyphal formation and secretion of proteinases, both of which have key roles in the C. albicans tissue invasion, have no parallels in C. glabrata. Instead, both species encode families of adhesion genes and both undergo phenotypic switching. It has been suggested that the switching of C. glabrata represents a supervirulence factor regulating several genes, the combined expression of which facilitates pathogenesis. The antigenicity of C.
glabrata cells has been characterized by Tsuchiya et al. and who identified that antigenic factor 6 is present in the mannan of C. glabrata as well as C. albicans serotype A, C. tropicalis, and C. lusitaniae. The antigenic factor 6, Man 2Man 0 2 2Man, shows a specific 1H NMR signal at 4.78 ppm which corresponds to the non reducing terminal 1,2 linked mannose residue. The signal at 4.78 ppm Rolipram ZK 62711 PDE inhibitor in the mannans from the C. glabrata NBRC 0005 and 0622 strains was very small, while the same signal in the mannan from the C. glabrata NBRC 103857 strain was significantly large. Although it is known that the mannans of many Candida species have specific chemical structures corresponding to the antigenic factors, there is no report for the presence of such a large structural difference in the mannan antigen in one Candida species except for the presence of two serotypes, A and B, in C. albicans. In the preceding study, the 1H NMR spectra were recorded at 70 and therefore the signals corresponding to the non reducing terminal 1,2 linked mannose residue, 3 O substituted 1,2 linked mannose residue, and 2 O substituted backbone 1,6 linked mannose residue were overlapped on one signal at about 5.07 ppm. However, in this study, we observed a comparably large downfield shift of the H 1 signal of the latter mannose residue in relation to lowering of the probe temperature. As reported in a preceding paper, we found an additivity rule.