Turning back to our main findings, we conclude that oxidation (in ambient conditions) has a minor impact on the size of the nanocrystals (giving rise to about 3% blue shift of the
PL spectrum) and no noticeable effect on the radiative lifetime and the excitonic energy splitting (via their dependence on photon energy). On the other hand, nonradiative relaxation times, which are associated with the state of the surface, are expected to be sensitive to oxidation and to a modification of surface bonds as experimentally observed (see Figure 4c). This result can be explained by the EV model [39, 40], which assigns the slow nonradiative relaxation times to resonant coupling between surface MK-0457 vibrations and quantized electronic sublevels in the conductance/valence bands of the nanocrystals.
The stronger is the coupling between these electronic states and surface vibrations, the slower are the nonradiative lifetimes [39, 40]. Hence, according to this model, the longer lifetime measured for O-PSi (compared to H-PSi) should be assigned with the larger electronegativity of oxygen (relative to hydrogen) that gives rise to larger dipole strength of the Si-O-Si vibration [47]. Finally, let us point out that the conclusion τ R < < τ NR (for both types of PSi; see Figure 4) implies that the PL quantum yield should approximately be constant. This conclusion provides a simple explanation to the slight variation of the PL intensity under oxidation, as oxidation modifies nonradiative relaxation Dolutegravir molecular weight times associated with the PSi surface. However, this has a minor impact on the PL quantum yield as the PL efficiency is practically independent BVD-523 of the nonradiative relaxation times at high
temperatures [39, 56, 57] and is mostly influenced by the nanocrystals size [59, 60]. Conclusions In conclusion, using temperature-dependent, time-resolved PL spectroscopy for probing both radiative and nonradiative relaxation processes in freshly prepared and oxidized PSi, we were able to show that radiative processes should be associated with quantum confinement in the core of the Si nanocrystallites and therefore, are not affected by oxidation. On the other hand, nonradiative relaxation processes are affected by oxidation and by the state of the nanocrystallites surface. These results are consistent with the extended vibron model that assigns radiative relaxation to QC, while nonradiative processes are assigned to surface chemistry. Acknowledgements This work has been partially supported by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), grant no. 425/09. NAV acknowledges the support of Dr. Ilana Levitan fellowship for women in physics. References 1. Cullis AG, Canham LT, Calcott PDJ: The structural and luminescence properties of porous silicon. J Appl Phys 1997, 82:909–965.CrossRef 2. Bisi O, Ossicini S, Pavesi L: Porous silicon: a quantum sponge structure for silicon based optoelectronics. Surf Sci Rep 2000, 38:1–126.CrossRef 3.