Inflow occlusion with extraparenchymal control of hepatic veins i

Inflow click here occlusion with extraparenchymal control of hepatic veins is similar to TVE, but does not disrupt caval flow, thereby decreasing the likelihood of hemodynamic instability

(57). In order to gain access to the hepatic veins, full mobilization of the liver is required with ligation of all short hepatic veins and liver ligaments. The remaining main hepatic veins are then dissected and looped. The Pringle is then applied in coordination with occlusion of the major hepatic veins. The Pringle maneuver can be done intermittently or continuously (but if intermittent, the hepatic veins Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical must be unclamped as well in coordination with the Pringle). This modality has particular utility for patients with more centrally located metastases who may potentially benefit from TVE, but cannot tolerate the associated hemodynamic shifts because of underlying comorbid cardiac dysfunction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or renal disease, or for patients that cannot tolerate low CVP surgery (57,58). Selective inflow occlusion is technically more demanding and

typically performed in higher risk patients with cirrhosis. In hemihepatic vascular clamping, selective occlusion of portal and arterial inflow is achieved Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on the side of the resection at the hilar level, preserving inflow and avoiding reperfusion to the unaffected side. Simultaneous occlusion of the major ipsilateral hepatic vein may also be performed. Segmental occlusion is an even more precise means Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of gaining vascular control and decreasing blood

loss. This is achieved by occluding the hepatic artery inflow to that segment after hilar dissection. The portal vein branch is identified by ultrasound and a wire is threaded into the designated portal branch. A balloon is threaded over the branch and inflated, occluding the portal inflow. Dye can be injected into the portal catheter to tattoo the segment. Similar to selective inflow occlusion, this modality can be employed with cirrhotic patients with metastases isolated to periphery (59,60). Considerations Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical specific to colorectal cancer metastasis In addition to the critical communication with the anesthesiology and surgery teams in the immediate preoperative and intraoperative period relating to CVP, vascular occlusion, hemodilution, and pain management, a similar didactic is necessary between medical oncologists and surgeons as it relates to adjuvant therapy, liver parenchyma, Chlormezanone and indications and timing of hepatectomy. While we have earlier described data and progress in the hepatectomy technique grossly in terms of all hepatic disease, there is growing body of literature specific to adjuvant therapy for hepatectomies from colorectal metastases. The mainstay neoadjuvant systemic chemotherapy for colorectal metastases has been 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) with leucovorin and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX), or 5-FU and irinotecan (FOLFIRI).

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