, 2010) However, transient firing in mPFC units was not found fo

, 2010). However, transient firing in mPFC units was not found following ripple occurrence (Figures S7E and S7G). The apparent selleck inhibitor discrepancy with (Wierzynski et al., 2009) is most likely related to the fact that our data represent a different neuronal population in the mPFC where neuronal activity is highly modulated by slow waves (compare to their Figure 1), but differences in species and electrode

locations may contribute as well. More generally, the direction of the cortico-hippocampal dialogue in sleep has been a hotly debated issue. An influential suggestion has been that signals propagate from cortex to hippocampus during wakefulness and from hippocampus to cortex during sleep (Buzsaki, 1998). Since declarative memories become progressively more resistant to hippocampal damage, it is thought that the hippocampus “transfers” such memories to the cortex by replaying activity patterns during SWRs in sleep (Lee and Wilson, 2002). The current results add to existing evidence showing that during

NREM sleep neural activity propagates predominantly from the neocortex to the hippocampus (Hahn et al., 2007, Isomura et al., 2006, Ji and Wilson, 2007, Molle et al., 2006 and Sirota Pictilisib clinical trial et al., 2003). Future studies are needed to determine whether within this robust cortico-hippocampal broadcast there may be islands of functionally relevant hippocampo-cortical transmission (Tononi et al., 2006). While slow waves reflect spontaneous alternations of activity and silence in corticothalamic networks, what causes the transition from silence to activity in a given brain region remains unclear. Several scenarios could explain the source of transitions at the network level. One possibility is that whether and when a given region

will transition into an ON period is determined Oxymatrine by a global process such as subcortical common input, which could serve as a main “switch.” However, since most slow waves occur locally and since slow oscillations are also observed in vitro (Sanchez-Vives and McCormick, 2000), such a global mechanism seems implausible. A second possibility is that transitions to activity are stochastic and driven by intrinsic processes within each region. For example, currents that are activated close to the resting membrane potential (such as the hyperpolarization-activated depolarizing current; McCormick and Pape, 1990) could lead neurons to discharge during OFF periods and initiate activity that would then spread within a region, irrespective of other brain regions. A third possibility is that synaptic drive gradually builds up prior to the onset of ON periods, so that whether and when a region becomes active reflects the cumulative input to that region (Chauvette et al., 2010). By capitalizing on the amygdala, for which ipsilateral projections constitute the dominant input (Amaral et al.

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