2009a) Study: Semistructured questionnaire (20 items) survey to all Polish psychiatric inpatient facilities N= 58 responded facilities (100% response rate) N= 25 confirmed use of ECT, but only N= 20 (34%) facilities administered ECT
during study period N= 435 ECT-treated patients in period Date: 2005 Time span: One year Diagnoses: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Depression, mania, schizophrenia and schizoaffective, and other disorders LY317615 Gender: 65% women Age: >18 years (but six units offered to patients <18 years) Conditions: Written informed consent obligatory For involuntary approval from court necessary Legal: Requires specialist in anesthesiologist Other: Only one-third of facilities treated patients with ECT during study period. ECT administered under pregnancy in 10 settings
TPR: 0.11 iP: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 0.79% (up to 6.46%) AvE: 9 C-ECT: 25% A-ECT: ECT not performed in Polish outpatient clinics Modified Anesthesia: 58% thiopenthal 23% propofol 15% etomidate 4% midazolam Devices: Mecta JR-1, Mecta SR-1 & Spectrum 5000, Thymatron IV, Pabel ES and Siemens E2077 Type: 30% sine wave 70% brief pulse Placement: All BL Two facilities used UL or BF as second choice Germany (L) Muller U (Muller et al. 1998) Study: Questionnaire survey to psychiatric hospitals and university clinics. N= 451 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical clinics (Response rate 64%) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical N= 1050 patients ECT treated Clinics (59%) providing ECT were: 82% university clinics 74% state hospitals 48% special hospitals 68% psychiatric wards Date: April to October 1995 Time span: Seven months
Diagnoses (diagnostic indication for ECT given by clinics): 79% catatonia 58% depression 24% malignant neuroleptic syndrome 2% neurological disorders Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Gender: No information Age: 18–64 years, seldom elderly patients Side effects reported (common to rare): amnesia, headache, cognitive problems, organic psychoses, dental injuries, neurologic disease Conditions: 20% involuntary (nonconsent) Patient information: 43% oral 42% oral and written 15% written Other: Reasons for not providing ECT: No equipment and not enough knowledge or for political reasons Attitudes: 96% positive TPR, East Germany: 0.15 TPR, West Germany: 0.36 (between Montelukast Sodium 1992 &1994) TPR total: 0.26 C-ECT:14% Modified Anesthesia: 64% barbiturate 38% etomidate 20% propofol Devices: 21%Thymatron DG 39% Siemens konvulsator 2077S 2% other machines Type: 21% brief pulse 39% sine wave Dose: 39% titration 18% fixed Placement: 21% UL 19% BL 18% both BL & UL 39% no data Spain (L) Bertolin-Guillen JM (Bertolin-Guillen et al. 2006) Study: Questionnaire survey to all hospitals with psychiatric unit in Spain.