025 using a two-sample t-test An analysis of covariance (ancova)

025 using a two-sample t-test. An analysis of covariance (ancova) model was used to analyse the two primary efficacy endpoints. This Torin 1 in vivo model had pretreatment log10 HIV-1 RNA (mean of screening and day 0 viral loads) as the covariate and treatment, study country and screening genotype (fewer than three TAMs or at least three TAMs/K65R) as the independent variables. If the ancova revealed a significant overall treatment effect for a given primary endpoint, pairwise comparisons based on the least square means would be performed between each of the test doses (600 mg ATC and 800 mg ATC) and the reference

(150 mg 3TC), using the Fisher’s protected t-test approach to handle the issue of test multiplicity. The significance level of the Fisher’s protected t-test was set at 0.025. As the primary efficacy analyses involved co-primary endpoints, the alpha level of 0.05 was used to claim an overall treatment effect in the ancova if both primary endpoints revealed an overall treatment effect with the P-value being ≤0.05; otherwise, the alpha level of 0.025 was used to claim independently

an overall treatment VX-765 mw effect in the ancova for each primary endpoint. The safety population was defined as all patients who received at least one dose of investigational product. The intention-to-treat (ITT) population was defined as all patients who received at least one dose of investigational product and had at least one valid viral load measurement post baseline. The day 21 Florfenicol per protocol (D21 PP) population was defined as all patients in the ITT population who completed the primary treatment period (day 0 to day 21) and were deemed to be compliant with the protocol. Fifty-two patients were randomized to treatment in this study, one of whom withdrew between screening and the baseline visit, leaving 51 patients eligible for the safety population (17 patients in the 600 mg ATC bid arm, 18 in the 800 mg ATC bid arm and 16 in the 150 mg 3TC bid arm) (Fig. 2). Forty-seven patients (17 patients in the 600 mg ATC bid arm, 16 in the 800 mg

ATC bid arm and 14 in the 150 mg 3TC bid arm) completed day 21 without major protocol violations to qualify for the D21 PP population: one patient (in the 800 mg ATC arm) withdrew from the study after the baseline visit for noncompliance, one patient (in the 800 mg ATC arm) had study drug interrupted at day 13 because of an (unrelated) AE and two patients (both in the 150 mg 3TC arm) were found not to have met the inclusion/exclusion criteria [both patients had a pretreatment viral load (mean of screening and day 0 viral loads) of <2000 copies/mL and M184V could not be demonstrated at day 0 in one of these patients]. The three treatment arms had similar baseline characteristics (Table 1). There were 16 women enrolled in the study, making up approximately 30% of the study population.

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