0002, HR – 2.84) (Table 3). Table 3 Multivariate analysis of PFS association with clinical parameters Clinical parameter Multivariate analysis HR (95% CI) P value Tau expression onegative NS NS opositive FIGO stage at diagnosis oEarly (I,II) NS NS oAdvanced (III,IV) Histopathologic cell type oserous NS NS oothers Residual tumor size o<1 cm 2.84; (1.64-4.92) 0.0002 o> 1 cm Abbreviations: HR- hazard ratio, NS – not significant. Association between Tau expression and OS Clinical parameters correlated with OS were identified in univariate analysis and presented in Table 4. Statistical significance was achieved in following factors: FIGO stage at diagnosis (p=0.0168),
ovarian cancer type (p=0.0166), residual tumor size (p=0.0026), tau expression status (p=0.0198) (Figure 3) and sensitivity to first-line chemotherapy TGF-beta inhibitor (p<0.0001). Age,
performance status and tumor grade were not correlated Navitoclax supplier with OS. Table 4 Univariate analysis of OS correlation with clinical parameters (log-rank test) Clinical parameter n (% ) Median (months) P value Age 0.5287 o < 65 60 (81.1%) 41.8 o > 65 14 (18.9%) 36.6 FIGO stage at diagnosis o Early (I,II) 15 (20.3%) 88.2%† 0.0168* o Advanced (III,IV) 59 (79.7%) 50.5%† Histopathologic cell type o serous 37 (50%) 33.4 0.0166* o others 37 (50%) 54.8 Residual tumor size o <1 cm 48 (64.9%) 50.2 0.0026* o > AMP deaminase 1 cm 26 (35.1%) 22.6 Performance status (ECOG) o 0-1 69 (93.2%) 42.9 0.3461 o 5 (6.7%) 5 (6.7%) 15.1 Tumor grade o G1,G2 31 (41.9%) 49.0 0.2099 o G3, unknown 43 (58.1%) 30.0 Sensitivity to first-line chemotherapy o Resistant (<6 months) 26 (35.1%) 4.6%† <0.0001* o Sensitive (>6 months) 48 (64.9%) 87.8%† Tau expression o negative 19(25.6%) 80.2%† 0.0198* o positive 55(79.3%) 52.4%† †− if median was not achieved, the results were described as a percentage of patients with 3-year OS. *- statistical significance. Figure 3 Overall survival by tau expression. In multivariate analysis only sensitivity to first-line chemotherapy remained statistically significant
(p<0.0001, HR-22.59) as an independent parameter associated with OS (Table 5). Table 5 Multivariate analysis of OS association with clinical parameters Clinical parameter Multivariate analysis HR (95% CI) P value Tau expression NS NS ▪ negative ▪ positive FIGO stage at diagnosis NS NS ○ Early (I,II) ○ Advanced (III,IV) Histopathologic cell type NS NS ○ serous ○ others Residual tumor size NS NS ○ <1 cm ○ > 1 cm Sensitivity to first-line chemotherapy 22.59; 95% CI, 8.71-58.55 <0.0001 ○ Resistant (<6 months) ○ Sensitive (>6 months) Association between Tau expression and response to chemotherapy in patients with measurable disease Among 46 patients with measurable target lesions, 11 (23.9%) were assessed as Tau-negative and 35 (76.1%) as Tau-positive.