The red solid curve is from the MD simulation results According

The red solid curve is from the MD simulation results. According to Equation 1, nonlinear least learn more squares method was used to fit the simulation results, and then the black curve in Figure  5 can be obtained. It is noted that

when the indentation depth is about 5.597 nm, the load received by the graphene film suddenly drops from approximately 655.08 to approximately 522.172 nN. Corresponding to Figure  2b,c, the lengths of C-C bonds under the Trichostatin A mouse Indenter quickly become larger than before, which indicates that the bonds were broken. Figure 5 Curves of indentation depth versus load for the nanoindentation experiment. Table  1 gives the mechanical properties calculated from the MD simulation results. Young’s modulus and the maximum stress of the graphene are obtained as 1.0539 TPa and 205.1328 GPa, respectively. Young’s modulus obtained in this paper is in good agreement with those obtained by both experimental and numerical methods. Kudin et al. has predicted a Young’s modulus of 1.02 TPa using ab initio methods [41]. Lee et al. obtained a Young’s modulus of 1 ± 0.1 TPa by nanoindentation in an AFM of freestanding monolayer circular graphene membranes [22]. Neek-Amal and Peeters studied the nanoindentation of a bilayer graphene using molecular dynamics simulations

and estimated a Young’s modulus of 0.8 TPa [42]. In addition, the maximum stress ranges from 130 to 240 GPa by means of both experiments Lazertinib and numerical GBA3 simulations reported in other literatures [21, 22, 43, 44]. The maximum stress obtained in this paper can also be included in the above range, which verified our simulation results. The changing trend of 2-D pre-tension demonstrates that the pre-tension of the rectangular graphene film is positively correlated with the loading speed of the indenter. The indenter size also affects the pre-tension, which, to some extent,

explains why the correction factors were introduced in Equations 2 and 3. Table 1 Mechanical properties of the single-layer graphene film from nanoindentation experiments Indenter radius (Å)/speed (Å/ps) 2-D elastic modulus (N/m) 3-D elastic modulus (TPa) 2-D pre-tension (N/m) 3-D pre-tension (GPa) 2-D max stress (N/m) 3-D max stress (GPa) 10/0.10 375.0644 1.1196 38.8546 115.9840 72.4895 216.3866 10/0.20 375.0096 1.1194 38.8589 115.9966 72.4771 216.3496 20/0.10 335.0012 1.0000 28.5092 85.1021 66.1326 197.4106 20/0.20 335.2572 1.0008 28.4879 85.0385 66.0994 197.3115 30/0.10 349.1828 1.0423 22.7998 68.0590 67.4504 201.3445 30/0.20 348.8383 1.0413 23.0197 68.7154 67.6680 201.9940 Average 353.0589 1.0539 / / 68.7195 205.1328 Other parameters’ influences on nanoindentation experiments For further study of nanoindentation properties, a series of simulations have been carried out with different loading speeds, indenter radii, and aspect ratios of graphene film. It is indicated that the speed of 0.

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