It is clear that alternating bright/dark contrast appears in a periodic manner along the axial direction of the wire in BF TEM images (Figure 2a,c,e), which indicates the existence of planar defect structure. The phenomenon is SGC-CBP30 supplier consistent with the previous report that high density of SFs
in <111> -oriented nanowires commonly form perpendicularly to the growth direction [15]. HRTEM images (Figure 2b,d,f) and corresponding SAED patterns were acquired from the bending areas, which present explicit illustrations of the microstructures in these kink areas. Selleckchem Cilengitide The SAED patterns (Figure 2a,c insets) show the crystal structure of InP NWs here being face-centered cubic (zinc blende). In Figure 2b, it is obvious that the NWs grows along <111> directions and the bending angle is consistent with that between (111) and planes, namely, approximately 110°. Since the 111 planes are the faces with lower energy in the face-centered cubic structure, the growth of NWs through 111 planes is energetically
favorable. Figure 2b also reveals a stacking fault, almost transecting the entire nanowire in the kink area. We suppose that the transecting SFs in the kinked area would be beneficial to the change of growth direction. In addition, nanotwins and SFs were also observed in the region close to approximately 110° kink as depicted in Figure 2d, which corresponds to the selected area in Figure 2c. As mentioned in the previous report [16], the bending of nanowires typically associated with a significantly large local strain in which SFs are induced and resulted to releasing the stress. MDV3100 ic50 It is as well noted that an approximately 110° kink consisted of successive curves is observed in Figure 2e.
Noticeable contrast variations indicated by white arrows in Figure 2e are supposed to be imaging effects which occur when twin boundary relaxations are present, although it should be pointed out that images with similar appearances could result from astigmatism or misalignment [17]. HRTEM image corresponding to the selected area in Figure 2e is presented in Figure 2f. It is obvious that there is large amount of SFs in the region of approximately 110° kink. In this case, we believe that the larger local strain could be introduced by two successive curves in such narrow Dolutegravir manufacturer space. It is noted that most SFs in the kinked area run nearly parallel to the growth direction. We suppose that in the kinked area, a large amount of stress is introduced such that the 111 planes nearly parallel to the growth direction can easily glide and could facilitate the formation of SFs, which plays an important role in releasing the stress. In addition, nanotwins marked by TB are observed in the bending area. According to the literature, twin-plane formation in zinc blende crystals requires very little energy [18]. The twins are as expected for bulk zinc blende crystals, which can twin on 111 planes by rotating through 60° about the <111> axis [19].