Figure 2 Dot-ELISA results of reactivities of pooled unadsorbed (A) and adsorbed Proteasome inhibition assay (B) swine convalescent sera against the three previously reported SS2 virulence-associated proteins MRP, EF, and GAPDH. BSA was used as a negative control. Use of adsorbed convalescent-phase sera to probe a genomic DNA expression library
of the SS2 isolate ZY05719 To provide tenfold coverage of a SS2 genome (2 × 106 bp), a plasmid library containing inserts whose average size is 2 kb would contain about 5.7 × 104 independent recombinants. The SS2 genomic library, prepared from strain ZY05719 isolated from a Sichuan SS2 outbreak (Table 1), in E. coli DH5α consisted of approximately 6 × 104 clones for each expression vector (pET30 a, b, and c). These three libraries were used for IVIAT selection with the adsorbed convalescent sera. During the primary screening, 300 of the most intensely immunoreactive clones were selected. Following rigorous selection, 60 clones that continuously showed a strong positive reaction with the adsorbed convalescent-phase sera antibodies were identified. Their immunoreactivity was confirmed by an additional screening, in which these clones were compared with clones bearing the vectors alone without any inserts present. The positive
clones were picked out and then cultured in broth. The presence of a cloned DNA insert in all 60 clones was confirmed by PCR analysis and sequencing. Table 1 Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study Strains or plasmids Serotype, Genotype and/or phenotype Reference/source Strains HA9801 serotype 2;cps2J+, mrp+, ef+, sly+, gapdh+, gdh+, orf2+ Jiangsu outbreak SS2 isolate, 1998, China ZY05719 serotype 2; cps2J+, mrp+, ef+, sly+, gapdh+, gdh+, orf2+ Sichuan outbreak SS2 isolate, 2005, China T15 serotype 2; cps2J+, mrp-, ef- The Netherlands Plasmids pET30(abc) Expression vectors allowing cloning of fragments in each of three reading frames; Kanr Novagen pMRP pET30(a) with partial mrp gene amplified from strain ZY05719, and cloned into EcoRI and XhoI sites, in vector, Kanr This work pEF pET30(a) with partial ef gene amplified from strain ZY05719, and
Tobramycin cloned into EcoRI and XhoI sites, in vector, Kanr This work pGAPDH pET32(a) with partial gapdh gene amplified from strain ZY05719, and cloned into BamHI and SalI sites, in vector, Ampr Previous work Kanr, kanamycin-resistant; Ampr, ampicillin-resistant. Categorization of the IVI proteins according to the actual or putative functions of the genes identified by IVIAT The sequencing results showed that most of the immunoreactive clones contained only a portion of the coding sequence of the relevant protein, and that these 60 clones encoded 48 different proteins. The difference in the number of positive clones and proteins is due to several clones encoding the same protein. For instance, clones 6, 34, and 73 encoded the protein ysirk1.