(E) CXCR4-positive cells located in the liver nucleus; (F) CXCR4-positive cells located in bile
canaliculi endothelial cells; (G) CXCR4-positive cells located in hepatic sinusoid endothelial tissue. Magnification: ×400. (H) Negative CXCR4 staining in HCC tissue without PVTT. (I) Positive CXCR4 staining in HCC tissue without PVTT. (J-K) The percentage of positive CXCR4-cells expressed in PVTT tissue is 52.2%. In Figure J, CXCR4 was stained as weakly positive, as opposed to Figure K, which showed positive staining. Magnification: ×200. The results in the 23 specimens of adjacent liver tissues were quite different. Three cases displayed negative staining after CXCR4 immunohistochemistry, 20 samples were positive, and check details the ratio of positive staining was 86.0%.
The expression of CXCR4 was also mainly detected in the cell membrane and cytoplasm of inflamed hepatic tissue (Figure 1D). As was also expressed in the nucleus (Figure 1E), part of the bile canaliculi endothelial cells and hepatic sinusoid endothelial tissue (Figure 1F and 1G), as well as positive CXCR4, were also observed. The results of Hematoxylin & Eosin (HE) staining on adjacent liver tissue indicated that the liver was inflamed. The scores were derived from by a proportion of CXCR4-positive cells and coloring intensity to HCC and adjacent liver specimens. The results indicate that the expression levels of IWR-1 order CXCR4 in HCC tissue and adjacent liver cells were quite different. We demonstrated that the expression of CXCR4 in adjacent inflammatory liver tissue was dramatically higher than that in tumor tissue (Table 1 P < 0.05). Table 1 Differences in CXCR4 expression in adjacent liver tissue and tumor tissue of HCC with PVTT. Type of tissue Number of cases CXCR4 expression P value Negative (-) Weakly positive (+) Positive (++) Hadro-positive (+++) Adjacent liver tissue
23 3 6 10 4 0.000Δ Tumor tissue 23 17 4 2 0 ΔMann-Whitney test CXCR4 expression in Vasopressin Receptor tumor tissue and adjacent liver tissue of HCC without PVTT In all 17 specimens of HCC tissue that were stained by immunohistochemistry, 10 cases (58.8%) exhibited negative staining (Figure 1H). Seven samples were positive (Figure 1I), and the positive ratio was 41.2%. In these samples, three cases were stained as weakly positive for CXCR4, and four cases were masculine positive (23.5%). In the 17 specimens of adjacent liver tissues, four cases (23.5%) displayed negative immunohistochemistry staining for CXCR4, 13 samples were positive, and the ratio of positive staining was 76.5%. The results of HE staining on the adjacent liver tissue indicated that the liver was inflamed. The scores were determined by a proportion of CXCR4-positive staining cells and coloring intensity to HCC and adjacent liver specimens. The results indicate that the expression levels of CXCR4 in HCC tissue and adjacent liver cells were quite different.