Hong et al. assessed the risk factors of BPH in 641 South Korean men in a community-based cross-sectional study of male participants aged 50–79 years.21 Age was the only significant demographic risk factor of BPH. The presence of chronic bronchitis and a high prostate specific antigen (PSA) level increased the risk by threefold and twofold,
respectively. The risk decreased DNA Damage inhibitor as drinking frequency increased. Physical activity three to five times a week reduced the risk relative to being active less than twice a week; however, engaging in physical activity nearly every day increased the risk 1.7-fold relative to being active up to twice per week. Interestingly, the risk was decreased as drinking frequency was increased.
However, physical activity three to five times a week reduced the risk relative to less or too much activity. In other studies LUTS have also been associated with lifestyle factors. In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 1019 men without prostate cancer were followed up for a mean period of 9 years and it was revealed that high levels of physical activity (top vs bottom quartile kcals/day OR 0.5, CI 1.1–3.0), cigarette smoking (OR 0.5, CI 0.3–0.8) decreased the risk of BPH.22 Total or fat calorie intake, sexual activity STA-9090 cost level, alcohol intake, BMI, waist-hip ratio (WHR), diastolic blood pressure, history of diabetes, hypertension, vasectomy, or serum levels of androgens or estrogens did not individually predict clinical BPH. However, Rohrmann et al.23 reported that moderate alcohol consumption and physical activity had protective effects against LUTS in older men, but current cigarette smoking was not consistently associated in their studies from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) on 2797 men aged ≥60 years. Data from NHANES III also showed a relationship Thalidomide between markers of MS and LUTS, defined as having three of four urinary symptoms (nocturia, incomplete bladder emptying, weak stream, hesitancy).9,23 There is much evidence that BMI or WHR (abdominal obesity) increase the risk of BPH.
The Boston Area Community Health (BACH) survey is a population-based epidemiological survey of a broad range of urological symptoms and risk factors in a randomly selected group of 1899 men.24 Using ATP III guidelines to characterize MS and American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index (AUASI) to assess LUTS, the authors found the interesting result that there is a significant association between MS and voiding symptoms rather than with storage symptoms of LUTS. In the present study, the prevalence of MS increased as AUASI score increased in the mild symptom range (2–7), but stabilized with higher scores (Fig. 1). According to the BACH survey, the overall prevalence of MS was 29% and demonstrated the association of each LUTS and individual components of MS.