The following

The following see more mice were used in this study: C57BL/6 mice, CD80/86−/− 18 CD11c-DTR transgenic (B6.FVB-Tg Itgax-DTR/GFP 57Lan/J) mice carrying a transgene encoding a human DTR-GFP fusion protein under the control of the murine CD11c promoter 15; CD11c-Cre mice 31, R26-DTA mice 32 and R26-DTA mice were crossed with CD11c-Cre transgenic mice to generate CD11c-Cre:DTA mice 15. For conditional DC ablation [CD11c-DTR>wt], BM chimeras were inoculated intraperitoneally every second day for 2 wk with 16 ng DTx/g body weight. For BM chimera generation, recipient mice were lethally irradiated with a 950 rad dose and a day later i.v. injected with 5×106 BM cells isolated from donors femora and tibiae.

BM recipients were then allowed to rest for 8 wk before use. All mice were maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions

and handled under protocols approved by the Weizmann Institute Animal Care Committee according to international guidelines. Staining reagents used selleckchem in this study included the PE-coupled antibodies anti-MHC II, CD25, CD62L, CD8, CD11b, CD115, CD80, IL-17; the biotinylated antibodies: anti CD45.1, CD4, CD3; the APC-coupled antibodies: anti CD11c, CD4, CD44, IFN-γ, CD19 and Gr-1 (Ly6C/G); and PerCP-coupled streptavidin. Foxp3 intracellular staining was performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol (eBioscience 77-5775-40). Unless indicated otherwise, the reagents were obtained from eBioscience or Biolegend. The cells were analyzed on a FACS Calibur ADAMTS5 cytometer (Becton-Dickinson) using CellQuest software (Becton-Dickinson). Cells obtained from mesenteric LN were incubated at 37C for 4 h in 10% FBS DMEM medium with 50 ng/mL PMA (Sigma-Aldrich) and 1 μg/mL ionomyicin (Sigma-Aldrich). Brefeldin A (5 μg/mL, Sigma-Aldrich) was added after 2 h. Cells were resuspended in fixation/permeabilization solution (Cytofix/Cytoperm kit, BD). Intracellular cytokine staining using anti-IL-17 and anti-IFN-γ was performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Serum immunoglobulin isotypes were determined using commercial ELISA

antibodies (SouthernBiotech). C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with B16 tumor cells (3×106) that had been manipulated to overexpress Flt3L 22. All statistics were generated using a Student’s t-test. All error bars in diagrams, and numbers following a ± sign, are standard deviations. The authors thank all lab members of the Jung laboratory for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no financial or commercial conflict of interest. See accompanying commentary: “
“The epithelial cells of the thymus govern the differentiation of hematopoietic precursors into T cells, which are critical for acquired immunity.

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