To make an expression plasmid, HA tag was fused at the C-terminal end of the full length DDX3 (pEF-BOS DDX3-HA). pEF-BOS DDX3 (1–224 aa) vector was made by using primers DDX3 N-F-Xh and DDX3D1 (GGA TCC GGC ACA AGC CAT CAA GTC TCT TTT C). pEF-BOS DDX3-HA (225–662) was made by using primers DDX3D2-3 (CTC GAG CCA CCA TGC AAA CAG GGT CTG GAA AAA C) and DDX3C R-Ba. To make pEF-BOS DDX3-HA (225–484) and pEF-BOS DDX3-HA (485–663),
the primers DDX3D2 R-Ba (GGA TCC AAG GGC CTC C59 wnt ic50 TTC TCT ATC CCT C) and DDX3D3 F-Xh (CTC GAG CCA CCA TGC ACC AGT TCC GCT CAG GAA AAA G) were used, respectively. Reporter and internal control plasmids for reporter gene assay are previously described 26. Knockdown of DDX3 was carried out using siRNA, DDX3 siRNA-1: 5′-GAU UCG UAG AAU AGU CGA ACA-3′, siRNA-2: 5′-GGA GUG AUU ACG AUG GCA UUG-3′, siRNA-3: 5′-GCC UCA GAU UCG UAG AAU AGU-3′ and control siRNA: 5′-GGG AAG AUC GGG UUA GAC UUC-3′. Twenty picomoles of each siRNA was transfected into HEK293 cells in 24-well plates with Lipofectamin 2000 according to manufacture’s protocol. Knockdown of DDX3 was confirmed 48 h after siRNA transfection. Experiments were repeated twice for confirmation of the results. The yeast two-hybrid assay was performed as described previously 27. The yeast AH109 strain (Clontech, Palo Alto,
CA, USA) was transformed using bait (pGBKT7) and prey (pGADT7) plasmids. The transformants were streaked onto plates and incubated for 3–5 days. The IPS-1 CARD vector was constructed by inserting IPS-1 partial fragment encoding Carfilzomib chemical structure from 6 to 136 aa SPTLC1 region into pGBKT7 multicloning site. Yeast two-hybrid screening was performed using human lung cDNA libraries. We obtained four independent clones, and one encoded DDX3 partial cDNA. SD-WLH is a yeast synthetic dextrose medium that lacks Trp, Leu and His aa. SD-WLHA lacks adenine in addition to Trp, Leu and His. SD-WL lacks Trp and Leu and thus non-selective plate. HEK293 cells (4×104 cells/well)
cultured in 24-well plates were transfected with the expression vectors for IPS-1, DDX3 or empty vector together with the reporter plasmid (100 ng/well) and an internal control vector, phRL-TK (Promega) (2.5 ng/well) using FuGENE (Roche) as described previously 28. The p-125 luc reporter containing the human IFN-β promoter region (−125 to +19) was provided by Dr. T. Taniguchi (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan). The total amount of DNA (500 ng/well) was kept constant by adding empty vector. After 24 h, cells were lysed in lysis buffer (Promega), and the Firefly and Renella luciferase activities were determined using a dual-luciferase reporter assay kit (Promega). The Firefly luciferase activity was normalized by Renella luciferase activity and is expressed as the fold stimulation relative to the activity in vector-transfected cells.