However, the cost of extraction, falling mineral prices and technological barriers appeared to halt potential SMS mining in the deep sea before it became a commercial reality (Van Dover, 2011). Recent increases in mineral prices and mineral demand through the industrialisation of countries such Apitolisib supplier as China and India, alongside technological advances have led to SMS mining becoming economically viable, with particular interest in SMS deposits in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and New Zealand
(NZ). In PNG, exploration licenses and mining leases were granted by the government in 1997 and 2011 respectively ( In NZ, the potential for deep-sea hydrothermal deposits was first assessed more than 20 years ago (Glasby and Wright, 1990) with large areas of seabed along the Kermadec and Sirolimus price Colville Ridges being licensed for prospecting in 2002 ( Hydrothermally active sites are known to host unique communities of organisms dependent on the metal- and sulfide-rich vent fluids that support the chemosynthetic bacteria at the base of the food web (reviewed in Van Dover (2000)). Such communities are of considerable interest to science, in particular for biogeographic studies (e.g.
Moalic et al., 2012) and understanding the origin of life on Earth (e.g. Corliss et al., 1981). These benthic communities are vulnerable to disturbance and localised loss; mining SMS deposits will remove all benthic organisms inhabiting the substratum, with any high-turbidity, and potentially toxic sediment plumes resulting from mining activities likely to impact upon benthic communities downstream (Gwyther, Janus kinase (JAK) 2008b). Recovery of communities at SMS deposits disturbed by mining activities will rely on recolonisation from neighbouring populations, however, other than detailed studies at sites in PNG (Collins et al., 2012 and Thaler et al., 2011), very little is known about
the connectivity (genetic or demographic) of populations or the spatial distribution of benthic fauna at SMS deposits. Management strategies are required that can conserve the special biological communities and ecology of SMS deposits whilst enabling economically viable extraction of their valuable mineral resources (International Seabed Authority, 2011b and Van Dover, 2011). Such resource management requires a robust legislative framework, clear management objectives, and comprehensive information on the SMS deposits themselves, their wider environment and the biological communities they support. Unfortunately, there are considerable gaps in our understanding of the ecology of SMS deposits that prevent the refining of existing legislation to better manage activities at SMS deposits (International Seabed Authority, 2011b).