Most studies of MCI have shown that the density and distribution

Most studies of MCI have shown that the density and distribution of these hallmark lesions and their less “mature” lesion variants (eg, NP – diffuse plaques, cored plaques; NFT – pre-NFT hyperphosphorylated or conforma tionally altered tau) is significantly increased in the brains of persons with MCI.35,38,39,42,44,48,50 Early studies by Morris et al48,49 showed that persons with CDR scores of 0.5, ie, questionable dementia/MCI, evidenced statistically significant increases in the density of plaques, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical especially

diffuse plaques, in the temporal cortex. The density of plaques increased with increasing dementia severity and the proportion of plaques shifted from diffuse to more mature variants (eg, cored Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and neuritic). Our studies of neuritic plaques35 showed a similar pattern where persons with CDR=0.5 evidenced significantly greater number of NPs in the neocortex than age-matched cognitively intact controls, but fewer NPs than persons with frank dementia (ie, CDR>1). Similar changes were noted recently in a study where the definition of MCI was restricted to those persons with amnestic MCI as defined by Petersen et al.10,11,51 In that study39 the numbers of neocortical diffuse plaques were not significantly elevated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in MCI, but the numbers of NPs were significantly higher than those in persons with intact cognition. Since

the pathogenic constituent of NPs is the Aβ peptide, it is not Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical surprising that Aβ levels in the brains of persons with MCI are also significantly elevated.52-54

Just as diffuse plaques may represent Tasocitinib premature NPs, oligomeric forms of Aβ may precede the diffuse aggregates and represent an even earlier neurotoxic form of Aβ.55 The question of the association of oligomeric forms of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Aβ in MCI is an area of active current investigation by many laboratories (see below). As mentioned previously, these observations ol plaque involvement in MCI are consistent with neuroimaging/ PET studies of MCI using PiB.28,29 Generally similar conclusions can be drawn regarding the involvement ol NFTs in MCI.33,47,50,56-60 However, the precise distribution of NFTs within neocortical and medial temporal lobe structures and the phosphorylation or conformational state of the tau protein constituent of NFTs may be critical factors. Several studies have found that the density of NFTs Tolmetin in the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus as well as the amygdala increase significantly in persons with MCI (eg, refs 39,49). Most studies find that the NFT involvement in neocortical regions is associated with more advanced cognitive impairment, supporting the staged development of NFT pathology as a function of AD progression.61,62 The development of early NFT pathology and its progression is further supported by cellular studies.

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