Moreover, previous studies have been conducted on PSP scanning time, Bicalutamide structure but the results have been for one system only. In the present study, two PSP systems were evaluated, comparing the effects of processing delay.The current study also examined the performance of three different protective plastic cases in each of the two PSP systems. There are few reports on this subject [2, 24]. Martins et al. [24] believed that plates can be processed within 6 hours if stored in the appropriate cases. Bramante et al. [2] showed that plastic cases supplied by the manufacturer provided better protection to the plates than other cases. The result of this study was in agreement with the previous report.
According to the results of the current study, D��rr Dental’s original case provided adequate protection from the light source, irrespective of the length of delay in scanning time, unlike the other black and white cases. Increases in MGVs for the Digora plates were found when delay in scanning time increased, irrespective of which protective plastic cases were used. Hence, the findings of the present study suggest that the original plastic case should be used to acquire better image quality when using D��rr Dental plates, while any of the three cases tested can be used to acquire reasonable diagnostic quality when using Digora plates. These results allow alternate cases to be used for Digora plates but not for D��rr Dental plates and also suggest that when the plates are exposed to the light source, D��rr Dental plates are more negatively affected than Digora plates.
Some authors who researched the delay in PSP scanning time emphasized that Digora plates should be scanned within 10min of exposure [23]. Others concluded that the gray level values of the background (as well as those of the steps of the Al wedge) in plates scanned after a half of delay in scanning time were not different from those in immediately scanned plates [22]. Bramante et al. [2] stated that the processing delay of 120min for Digora plates caused a reduction in image quality. Martins et al. [24] reported that the PSP started to lose information within 5min of image capture and that almost half of the information was lost within 1h. The results of the present study revealed that the small differences in MGV for each D��rr Dental plate in its original case are not statistically significant, irrespective of increase of processing delay; however, for D��rr Dental plates in the black or white cases provided by industry suppliers, differences are statistically significant, respective to the length of the processing Anacetrapib delay.