The mRNA and protein expres sion of ETK were significantly weak

The mRNA and protein expres sion of ETK were significantly weaker in ETK siRNA transfected cells than that in control siRNA tranfected cells. For 786 O and 769 P respect ively, the mRNA expression of ETK was decreased by 96. 7% and 97. 3% in the siRNA group compared with the negative control group. Western blot showed that the expression level of ETK was de creased by 51. 2% in 786 O and 79. 8% in 769 P in the siRNA group compared with the negative control group. These results suggested we have succeeded in knocking down ETK expression. In order to detect the role of ETK in RCC cell prolifer ation, we examined the effect of ETK siRNA on RCC can promote cell apoptosis. We used trans well assay to assess cell migration and invasion. The number of migrating cells was significantly decreased in ETK siRNA group compared with control siRNA group.

The number of invading cells was significantly decreased in ETK siRNA group compared with control siRNA group. Our data implied that ETK knockdown inhibited cell mi gration and invasion in vitro. ETK knockdown regulates VEGF and STAT3 expression in RCC To explore the relationship selleck inhibitor between VEGF, STAT3 and ETK, we examined the expression of VEGF, STAT3 and p STAT3 using Western blot after downregulating ETK. As shown in Figure 6, the expression of VEGF and p STAT3 were decreased, especially the expression of p STAT3. The unactivated STAT3 protein meanwhile remained invariable. The expression of VEGF has changed but not of STAT3. Only STAT3s activity was al tered as indicated by the expression of p STAT3, whereas the expression of STAT3 remained unchanged.

Discussion In the recent few years, increasing evidences indicates inhibitor Oxiracetam that ETK is overexpressed in various cancer types, including prostate cancer, bladder cancer, nasopharyngeal carcin oma, lung cancer and breast cancer. In this study, we evaluated the expression and role of ETK in RCC. Our results also showed that ETK was overex pressed in RCC tissues when compared with that in nor mal renal tissues. Furthermore, immunostaining data indicated that the expression level of ETK was closely cor related with clinical stage, histological grade and metasta sis of the RCC. In addition, we also found that patients with higher ETK expression had shorter overall survival time than those with lower ETK expression. ETK may po tentially be used as a prognostic factor for RCC patients.

ETK has been shown to regulate many cellular pro cesses, including cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration, invasion, differentiation and chemo resistance. We found that ETK was highly expressed in all five RCC cell lines, whereas it was hardly detected in the normal renal proximal tubular cell HK 2. Frequently elevated ETK expression in RCC cells suggested that ETK may play a causal role in disease development and progres sion of RCC.

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